Why a donkey?

In Service Notes from Bruno on Steve’s sermon.

Why did Jesus ride in on a donkey?

  • What expectations am I holding onto?

  • Where am I missing God’s movement because I expect it to look like something else? 

  • What am I doing with what God is giving me right now?

  • Deut 8:6-9

  • Obedience to God = peace

  • God wants us to live in His peace

  • He wants us to stay in the fields, not to sit back and chill

  • God puts us in tough places so we can grow and draw near to Him

  • There are no short cuts

  • We can’t be flopping back and forth

  • God can change our plans

Jesus didn’t ride in like He’s described in Rev 19.

Whatever God has for you, that’s what you’re supposed to be doing.

  • business, teaching, trade work, doctor, Walmart, bus driver…. 

  • There are people ministering the gospel in all walks of life. 

  • People need to connect to real people. 

Jesus rode in on a young donkey (colt)

  • The donkey was the lowliest of animals to ride on.

  • They cried Hosanna - “Save us please”

  • They wanted to be restored as in the days of David. 

  • He wasn’t a warrior king coming to save them from government oppression. He came to save us from spiritual oppression.

I think that Him arriving on a young donkey fits the same theme that most of Jesus’ life. He subverted expectations by arriving in humility rather than in all His glory. He was born in a low place, He was from a town people didn’t think much of, and He died the death of ultimate shame. His entire life was lived in humble circumstances. He lived a life of perfect obedience to the Father, and passed the test of life for us.” - Bruno


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